Kirill Borngardt
Full Stack Marketing Expert
"My ideal client understands that everything is possible in case of
proper (temporary, financial, energy) investments."
13+ years of experience
TOP RATED PLUS Freelancer on Upwork
100% Job Success
831 Work Hours
TOP -20 SberUP Participant
SberUp accelerator is an intensive entrepreneurship training program from SBERBANK.
Worked in the INCOGNITON browser as Senior PCC
B2C and B2B services
Seller No. 1 on OZON in the gift niche
Valid for today only

Marketing Analytics Manager & Pay Per Click Expert

1990/month $
How much money should I invest in advertising?
How to measure its effectiveness?
How to earn more?

Using a data-driven approach (data-driven decision-making strategy), my responsibilities will include:

- Creating a strategy for promoting products and services
- Measuring the effectiveness of advertising channels and budget planning
- Activities to increase sales and profit from the client (LTV) by optimizing advertising, websites, social networks and end-to-end analytics.
Got a question? Online 12/7
Projects 20-24
Task: To promote a factory of innovative modular houses made of concrete
- Naming and branding
- Website development
- Setting up Analytics
- Development and implementation of marketing strategy
- Creation, maintenance, optimization of PPC Campaigns : Google Adwords &Yandex Direct
- SEO Optimization
Result: Factory utilization 6 months in advance
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- Updating the corporate identity
- Setting up analytics
- Site audit and usability improvement
- Increasing the conversion rate of the site
- Creation, maintenance, optimization of advertising PPC campaigns: Facebook Ads, Yandex Direct.
- Search, engagement and control of SEO and SMM contractors
- Reputation marketing
- Reduction of exchange value by 150% in 2 months. Increase in revenue volume by 3 times.
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End-to-end analytics setting + audit of Facebook Ads & Google Ads companys. Result – growth of average +35%
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The task: Increasing brand awareness and the influx of new customers from Russia
- Creation, maintenance, optimization of advertising PPC campaigns in Yandex Direct
- Fixing bugs of the Russian version of the site
- Optimization of the order form and registration
- Setting up Yandex Metrics and the goals
- Achieving the necessary indicators of brand awareness and sales volume for the designated period
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PPC in Facebook Ads/Instagram + Result: 6485 subscriber for 1 year and growth of finished revenue in 250%
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The task: (CPA) from Yandex Direct 4€
- Fixing bugs of the Russian version of the site
- Optimization of the order form and registration
- Setting up Yandex Metrics and the goals
- Creation, maintenance, optimization of advertising PPC campaigns in Facebook % Yandex Direct
- Decreased registration cost on 200% in 2 months
- Website conversion + 5%
- CPA 2€
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Mobile application advertising «Tinkoff investment» in Facebook Ads & VKontakte.
Result: 3880 application installations, 1406 targeted actions in the app, ROI on advertising channel amounted to 363%
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100% Job Success
831 Work Hours
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Audit of ad companies in Google Adwords. Result: – saving from €10 000/month by means of optimization of ad companies in Google Adwords.
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Integrated internet marketing

Result: Sales growth a 200% per year
Anonymous client
Reputation marketing. A full range of services aimed at the goodwill and
brand image management in the Internet. It includes monitoring of
information posted and available in the Internet and activities focused on development, support and restoration of brand reputation.
Result: Raising the rating from 2 to 5 in 6 months
Increasing revenue by 6,5 times in 6 months with the
help of advertising campaigns in Yandex.Direct.
Result: Average ROI on advertising channel was 550%.
Anti Clickbait measures and reduce the amount of fake clicks reduction up to 80% per month in Yandex Direct, Google Ads and Facebook / Instagram.
Turnkey: Consulting +Development of the site
Basic SEO.
End-to-end analytics setting+ Yandex Direct.
Result: - ROI +87% in two months.

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Turnkey online shop creation. Integrated internet marketing:
Facebook/ Instagram
Email Marketing
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Naming and rebranding of Moscow brand of women clothes
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Email – Marketing for the company Ventrauf
Aim – Increase the number of orders, update E-mail database, set up the authentication, warm up the domain
and send the newsletters.
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Marketing audit of your advertising campaigns

Yandex Direct
Google Adwords

for $1000
Valid for today only
Without regard to advertising budget
Contextual Targeting
Google AdWords

from $1190/ month
Marketing Analytics Manager & PPC Expert

from $1990/ month
Facebook/ Instagram

from $1490/ month
Marketing consulting
from $99/hour Online
Analytics and audit of the current ad companies
from $1000

Analysis of the site usability
from $249

Site Development
Landing Page from $1490
Online shop from $2666
Introduction of complication sites
from $1066/ month
from $490
from $1390/ month
from $1490 / month
Advertising via SMS, WhatsApp, Viber
from $490/ week
Reputation marketing and work with feedback
from $2490 / month
What projects are of the particular interest for me?
Projects where I make it possible for my clients to earn more &
saving the advertising budget via optimizing marketing expenditures.
That is why the work for % to the basic salary allows me to
achieve outstanding results.
What ad budget do I work with?
Please do not worry if your budget is small or not quite
interesting for me. Yes, it's possible! Do not worry! I will tell
you about that. This is free of charge.
What experience do I have?
I have been in marketing since 2009. Probably I am not familiar with your business direction. Nevertheless, collaboration with over 60 digital projects provides me with
perfect understanding of marketing key principles which I apply in the interests of my clients.
Just leave a request and I will contact you!